Sunday, November 13, 2016

Out-of-Town October

Wow... It's almost half way through November already. What happened?

Well, as far as October goes, travelling happened. Out of the 5 weekends in October I spent one weekend in Berlin. One. Needless to say, I'm glad to have some time in Berlin now...

Anyways, here's a little recap tracing my steps in October...

First, we had a long weekend in October due to the German reunification day, so - day off. It was just too good not to use the chance and get out of town - so we decided for Prague! I'd never been there before and it was close enough to go by car - so - perfect! And apparently that was what the entire Germany thought - I heard more German on the streets of Prague than I do in Berlin...

Prague is so full of history, beautiful buildings and it just has a magical atmosphere... Going out of town with my camera was really needed. I got some good photos - which gave me a great little idea for home...

The next weekend was spent discovering Germany - more specifically, Braunschweig and the Hartz. It was good to escape the city and get back to nature by going hiking in the Hartz... I've never really hiked before last summer but I've really fallen in love with it!

After Braunschweig I went to visit family in Switzerland. Switzerland always leaves me speechless... Mostly because I still can't understand the Swiss German though.

Aaand last but not least; one of my favorite cities in the world - Barcelona. For a wedding. A Spanish wedding. My first one. And oh my... As I've mentioned before I fell in love with the Spanish culture and lifestyle when I lived in Spain and I was so excited to go to a more or less traditional wedding.

Aaaaaaaand it was amazing...

The venue was a beautiful, beautiful villa outside Barcelona, the weather was amazing, the decorations were the cutest, the couple was perfect - and the food... I have no words.

And reggaeton... Can't forget reggaeton. ;)

So, that pretty much wraps up my October... The theme for November seems to be home decor, I'll keep you updated on that... ;)


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