Sunday, December 25, 2016

Finnish Heaven

I feel like I just died. And went to Finnish heaven.

Why, you ask? Let me tell you.

So, I'm back in Finland and Christmas with my family means eating and watching movies. Eating traditional Christmas food, chocolate, gingerbread,... After the huge lunch and dinner last night and the big breakfast this morning, I was feeling a little bit... Hmmm.. Fluffy.

Therefore I decided to resume my training and go for a 8km run. Let me tell you, running in Berlin is a piece of cake. I mean there are absolutely NO hills there. Like you can literally look all over the city for a hill without finding one. Unlike here. I felt I was running up or down the whole freaking time... But I ran until I was tired and then I ran some more. After a while it got easier and even though I felt like dying running uphill, running down was no effort at all and I was ready for the next one up! After zigzagging around my old neighborhoods it turned into a 10K (!!) and I even sped up the last kilometer.

Needless to say after that I was pretty wiped. But, the best thing about being back home, lunch was right on the table waiting for me. I love being home. After (another) Christmas lunch and some coffee, I went for the sauna.

Oh my god have I missed the Finnish sauna. Even though there's one at my gym in Berlin, it just doesn't even begin to compare. At the gym, with random people, you just can't relax 100%. I mean us Finnish people like our personal space. Like really like our personal space. Even when it's super cold. Like you see here in the photo which has gone viral all over the internet; "Coldest day in Finland this winter and personal space is still not sacrificed." And yes, this is real. Welcome to Finland!
I can tell you, living abroad in more southern countries, I was first taken aback when people came to my face to talk to me. I mean, hello, personal space? I need an arm's length from you to be able to feel comfortable. But to all you Finns out there, I promise you get used to it after a while...

Back to the point. Every Finnish house has a sauna. Like when you have your own house you have a sauna. When you live in an apartment building, there is a sauna. Even some apartments have a sauna. So yes, we do enjoy sauna. I mean after all, it's one of the few Finnish inventions that everyone knows!

But nothing beats your own sauna. Absolutely nothing. Just lying there, having it just as hot as you want, no one disturbing you, almost falling asleep. Perfection. And the feeling after it...

Oh my.

The best combination ever is working out and then going to the sauna to relax and let your muscles recover, also known as lenkkisauna (either after running, skiing, cycling, etc.). I tell you, I'm in a borderline coma right now. And I might just take a nap. Or not. Who knows, I'm just enjoying the peace, quiet and relaxing moments.

And maybe some gingerbread... I think I earned it. ;)

Have a great, relaxing Christmas everyone!


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